The clouds have parted (sometimes, for a little bit), and what does that mean? It’s paving time! City crews have initially been focused on enemy #1 – potholes, as well as repairs to storm grates throughout the community, and of course, emergency repairs as they come up. Headed further into the summer, our paving contractors will be starting to knock off our schedule of capital paving projects, which has now been awarded. This year, in terms of major paving, we’re focused on the list of specific capital paving projects below, which will start over the course of the next two weeks and continue throughout the summer.
- 1300 Block of Summit Ave
- 800 Block of Summit Ave
- 600 Block of Fulton Street
- Grenville Court
- 100 Block 1st Ave West
- Cow Bay Road and Bridge
- 500 Block 7th Ave East
- 700 Block 7th Ave East
- 800 Block Prince Rupert Blvd
- 900 Block Prince Rupert Blvd
- Overlook Street and 6th Ave East (Intersection)
- Frederick Street and 7th Ave East (Intersection)
- 6th Ave East (Intersections at Piggot, Kay Smith and Herman St)
- Seal Cove Road and Rushbrook Trail Approach
- Cemetery Sidewalk Block H-G
A note on scheduling and providing notice - To get a good quality product, we ask our paving contractors not to pave when it’s raining and when there are pools of standing water on the road surface. You can imagine that really limits the windows that they have available to pave. This is why, even though we do our best to let you know when roadworks are happening, there are times when what we’ve said will be happening in a neighbourhood might be delayed, or when we might need to jump on a good weather window to get it done. Unfortunately this means there may not always be as much notice regarding traffic diversions as we would like to provide – but we will continue to do our best to give as much notice as possible.
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