In accordance with Section 94(2) of the Community Charter, the City is proposing to adopt a Public Notice Bylaw. Where statutory notification is required by the Community Charter, the Bylaw would require public notice for a minimum of two weeks on the City’s website and Facebook page, and once in the local newspaper. This Bylaw would replace the current default publication requirement in Section 94(1) of a minimum of two weeks in a local newspaper. This Bylaw is intended to ensure that the minimum standard of notice for statutory notifications can be met between Council Meetings, and to provide surety to the public about where and how information can be obtained. The City is also proposing to amend our existing Development Procedure Bylaw to reflect the standards of the new Public Notice Bylaw, if it passes.
For more information or to view the proposed Bylaw please contact the front desk of City Hall during regular hours of business, Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm, call (250) 627 0976, visit the notices section of our website at, or email Communications Manager Veronika Stewart at
Feedback on the Proposed Bylaw can also be directed through the City’s Rupert Talks platform.
Comment on the Bylaw can be provided to Council before the Bylaw is considered for adoption via the Corporate Administrator, Rosamaria Miller before 4:30 pm August 19th, 2022 by email at or in writing to Administration, 424 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC, V8J 1L7.