Change to Pool Schedule

News Release

Pool Schedule Reduced in Non-Peak Times to Reduce Closures

PRINCE RUPERT, SEPTEMBER 7th, 2022 – Anyone who has followed the City’s Recreation Department on social media, or have had their family’s attempt to go swimming thwarted by a closure, may have noticed that the City is currently short on lifeguards. Given the Canada-wide lifeguard shortage that has been impacting our pool as well as others, the Department will be opening the pool facilities slightly later, and closing earlier.

This change will be effective as of the September 12th reopening of the pool, and is aimed at reducing the frequency of closures. This change will ensure that the Department can operate more consistently, and give patrons greater surety around pool availability. Changes to opening hours have been focused specifically on non-peak times, in order to impact the lowest possible number of users. 

Recreation staff have reached out to our frequent users that we know access the facility during non-peak times, who will be most impacted by the changes. In addition, the City has and will continue to offer lifeguard training to support local capacity to fill these critical lifeguarding positions. If and when additional capacity is available, this schedule change will be revisited.

 If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a lifeguard, please contact the Recreation Department at (250) 624 6707 or email the Recreation Manager at


Legally, the City is required to have a minimum number of lifeguards per patron to operate our facility.

The updated schedule for the pool is below, with the main changes being that the pool will be open for lane swim only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 am – 8:00 am, the pool will open at 9:00 am Tuesdays and Thursdays for Aquafit and then open for limited use after 10:00 am. There will also be a midday closure Mondays and Wednesday from 12:00 pm – 3:30 pm.

Aquatic Centre Schedule
  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Public Swim 2pm to 4pm; 6pm to 8pm 6:30pm to 8:30pm 6:30pm to 8:30pm 6:30pm to 8:30pm 6:30pm to 8:30pm 6:30pm to 8:30pm 2pm to 4pm; 6pm to 8pm
Lane Swim   6:30am to 8am    6:30am to 8am    6:30am to 8am   
Limited Use   8am to 12pm; 3:30pm to 6:30pm 10am to 2pm 8am to 12pm; 3:30pm to 6:30pm 10am to 2pm 8am to 10am; 12pm to 2pm  
16 & Over     4pm to 6:30pm   4pm to 6:30pm 4pm to 6:30pm  
Family Swim 12pm to 2pm; 4pm to 6pm   2pm to 4pm   2pm to 4pm 10am to 12pm; 2pm to 4pm 12pm to 2pm; 4pm to 6pm
Fitness Centre 9am to 8pm  6:30am to 8:30pm 6:30am to 8:30pm 6:30am to 8:30pm 6:30am to 8:30pm 6:30am to 8:30pm 9am to 8pm 

Limited Use (13+ unless accompanied by an adult): Both pools open; diving board & rope swing may be available. Sauna & hot tub open. Main pool has minimum of 1 lane for lap swimming. 

Family Swim (16+ unless accompanied by an adult): Spend family time together while being active. Adults are welcome to attend without children. Both pools open; diving board & rope available. Sauna & hot tub open. Minimum of 1 lane for lap swimming. 

Public Swim (All ages): Both pools open; diving board & rope swing available. Sauna & hot tub open. Main pool has a minimum of 1 lane for lap swimming. 

Please Remember: Children under 7 years, attending a public or family swim, must be accompanied and directly supervised by a responsible caregiver 16+ years of age. (3 children to 1 caregiver, within arm's reach)